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Inquiring Minds with Donna Karlin & Steve Harper

Oct 26, 2021

People take jobs because of people. And people leave jobs because of people. Everyone wants to feel they're contributing something valuable and in order to do that, they can't feel anonymous or just a faceless number in the scheme of things.
Steve and Donna talk about the power of connection and ways you can truly and...

Oct 19, 2021

Sometimes it's important to press the pause button, to reflect, think, absorb and clear the clutter of everything bombarding your brain!
Donna and Steve talk about this from so many perspectives. Listen in and then share your three cents with us!
#pause #rest #contemplate #reflect...

Oct 12, 2021

Have you ever asked people around you what stands out about you to them? What have they experienced about you and blew them away? What are you known for? do you receive that information?
Steve and Donna discuss all aspects of asking for feedback and how to accept a compliment when it comes your...

Oct 5, 2021

Are you measuring yourself based on what others think or say or are you true to yourself?
Donna and Steve discuss what it means to identify your point of distinction and stand out. Listen in and share your experiences and perspectives about this with us.
#judgment #opinions #perspectives...